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The Data is in the Details

Capturing accurate, real-time data is critical for any analytics driven industry, such as oil and gas or geothermal.

EV solutions cover:

  • Extreme Video technology: our global team of highly experienced specialists has the know-how, operational experience and cutting-edge technology to help customers solve the key challenges they face.
  • Visual Analytics (VA): combining visual diagnostics with computational analytics to provide quantified, real-time downhole intelligence on a range of well issues.
  • AIVA™: our new ground-breaking portal where customers can store, view, interact, and collaborate with wellbore data from anywhere, and at any time.

Supported by our dedicated Technology Center (Norwich, UK) and global operations teams – EV’s solutions provide our customers with data they can trust to optimize production and increase their bottom line.

The Data is in the Details

Capturing accurate, real-time data is critical for any analytics driven industry, such as oil and gas or geothermal.

EV solutions cover:

  • Extreme Video technology: our global team of highly experienced specialists has the know-how, operational experience and cutting-edge technology to help customers solve the key challenges they face.
  • Visual Analytics (VA): combining visual diagnostics with computational analytics to provide quantified, real-time downhole intelligence on a range of well issues.
  • AIVA™: our new ground-breaking portal where customers can store, view, interact, and collaborate with wellbore data from anywhere, and at any time.

Supported by our dedicated Technology Center (Norwich, UK) and global operations teams – EV’s solutions provide our customers with data they can trust to optimize production and increase their bottom line.

Market Leaders for 23 Years

1200 +
55 +
650 +

Market Leaders for 23 Years

1200 +
55 +
650 +

Integrated Technologies Drive Industry Efficiencies

EV technologies and services have the power to deliver:
  • Production gains: $3.5bn+ for a 1% increase in frac well performance (US sector)
  • Operational savings: $113m+ for EV-assisted fishing operations and $153m+ for EV-assisted well restriction operation
  • Risk reductions: $9.6m+ saving for every unconventional re-drill well avoided (US)

EV leads the industry in Extreme Video, providing an unrivalled visual perspective of complex issues, even in the harshest of environments. Our multi award-winning ClearVision™ integrated array video and phased ultrasound scanning tool is the only technology able to capture 100% of perforations downhole.

EV leads the industry in Extreme Video, providing an unrivalled visual perspective of complex issues, even in the harshest of environments. Our multi award-winning ClearVision™ integrated array video and phased ultrasound scanning tool is the only technology able to capture 100% of perforations downhole.

Integrated Technologies Drive Industry Efficiencies

EV technologies and services have the power to deliver:
  • Production gains: $3.5bn+ for a 1% increase in frac well performance (US sector)
  • Operational savings: $113m+ for EV-assisted fishing operations and $153m+ for EV-assisted well restriction operation
  • Risk reductions: $9.6m+ saving for every unconventional re-drill well avoided (US)
Extreme Video

EV leads the industry in Extreme Video, providing an unrivalled visual perspective of complex issues, even in the harshest of environments. Our multi award-winning ClearVision™ integrated array video and phased ultrasound scanning tool is the only technology able to capture 100% of perforations downhole.

EV leads the industry in Extreme Video, providing an unrivalled visual perspective of complex issues, even in the harshest of environments. Our multi award-winning ClearVision™ integrated array video and phased ultrasound scanning tool is the only technology able to capture 100% of perforations downhole.

Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics (VA) combines our proprietary technology with in-house software capabilities. These precision measurements and advanced analytics provide critical intelligence, enabling users to make informed decisions on solving downhole issues such as: perforation performance, corrosion management and restriction mitigation.

Visual Analytics (VA) combines our proprietary technology with in-house software capabilities. These precision measurements and advanced analytics provide critical intelligence, enabling users to make informed decisions on solving downhole issues such as: perforation performance, corrosion management and restriction mitigation.


EV’s latest innovation AIVA™, is a ground-breaking cloud-based portal. An all-in-one platform, AIVA ™ allows customer to, store, access, interact and collaborate with data across any location at any time. With access to all cased hole log data on this interactive platform, AIVA ™ allows for faster, more collaborative, data-led decisions.

EV’s latest innovation AIVA™, is a ground-breaking cloud-based portal. An all-in-one platform, AIVA ™ allows customer to, store, access, interact and collaborate with data across any location at any time. With access to all cased hole log data on this interactive platform, AIVA ™ allows for faster, more collaborative, data-led decisions.


Our imaging systems are designed to withstand the extreme temperatures of geothermal wells, providing an outstanding track record in geothermal well diagnostics.

By reducing the quenching requirements for well interventions, EV’s high temperature video systems help geothermal energy producers understand complex well issues, while minimizing the disruption to power generation and limiting potentially harmful thermal cycling of well components.

Our imaging systems are designed to withstand the extreme temperatures of geothermal wells, providing an outstanding track record in geothermal well diagnostics.

By reducing the quenching requirements for well interventions, EV’s high temperature video systems help geothermal energy producers understand complex well issues, while minimizing the disruption to power generation and limiting potentially harmful thermal cycling of well components.

Global Customer Base

Global Customer Base


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Mary Scott
Founder & CEO